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  • Brand: Inspired Nutraceuticals

Usually in powder form, pre-workout supplements are taken prior to a strenuous physical activity. They give you a mental and physical boost and may just be what your fitness regimen lacks. Discover our range of pre-workouts at Fat Burners Only — perfect for fitness enthusiasts, from gym rats to professional athletes!

What are pre-workout supplements?

You can take pre-workout powders before lifting weights, running on a treadmill or joining a high-intensity interval training class. But what sets pre-workouts apart from other workout supplements? The secret is in the blend. 

Pre-workout supplements incorporate a mix of amino acids, such as L-citrulline malate and beta-alanine, and caffeine. These work together to stimulate your central nervous system, support muscle synthesis and reduce muscle fatigue. Moreover, pre-workout supplements help reduce your perceived effort during a workout. Your usual running distance may go by like a breeze or your previous PR might eventually feel like a warmup set with the right pre-workout supplement. 

For those sensitive to the effects of caffeine, there are alternatives. Caffeine-free pre-workouts often incorporate a blend of creatine monohydrate, known to enhance strength and power, along with essential amino acids.

Supercharged workouts: benefits of pre-workout supplements

While pre-workouts can help you get better gains, the effects are not similar to those of protein and creatine monohydrate powders. Caffeine can’t help you magically build muscle, but its stimulating effects can help you get an effective workout done.

Here’s a more in-depth look into the benefits of the best pre-workout supplements:

Increased energy levels — Pre-workouts provide an immediate boost to your energy levels, and at a sustained rate. Caffeine and alternatives stimulate your central nervous system, which can help you stay alert and less tired during exercise. This can boost endurance and overall performance. Imagine getting additional reps in or running longer distances. 

Improved muscle pump — Pre-workout supplements contribute to muscle pump by increasing blood flow to the muscles. Amino acids, in particular, support nitric oxide production, which promotes vasodilation. The result? Your muscles receive an influx of nutrients and oxygen, resulting in visibly full and tighter muscles and reduced fatigue.

Reduced muscle soreness — Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a common side effect of intense exercise, but pre-workout supplements can help mitigate its effects. The amino acids present in the mix, particularly beta-alanine, buffers the buildup of lactic acid, which contributes to sore muscles. With pre-workouts, you can recover faster between exercise days and maintain a more consistent training routine. 

Discover the best pre-workout in Australia at Fat Burners Only

To optimise the benefits of pre-workout supplements, consider proper timing. Consume your chosen pre-workout approximately 30 minutes before your workout to absorb the nutrients. 

Whether you opt for high-stim or low-stim variety, or even a caffeine-free alternative, we have the best pre-workouts that support your body for peak performance. Choose from brands like Ghost, Arms Race Nutrition and Onest Health — shop at Fat Burners Only today! From higher energy levels to a more consistent training, you can achieve the gains you’ve been working for with the best pre-workouts in Australia. And if you have any questions about essential workout supplements, just give us a ring.